Words to Ponder
I'm passionate about life and all that goes with living. Vague, far reaching? Yeah both of those things, but I am passionate
about my children, my country, my life, and God. Sharing my thoughts, leaving something behind, and being a better person
each day than I was the day before are extremely important to me.
My children
Each day as I wake up I thank God for the gift of my children. He's graciously granted the desire of my heart to have wonderful
children to raise, love, adore, and care for, through my life.
They are truly a blessing in my world!
My prayer is that they will grow and serve Him!

Sean and Kenton are 9 and 11 years old. Their favorite place to play is anywhere in the sun. They found this old tractor on a playground
and proceeded to climb all over it. They had positively no intent on plowing a field; it was most definitely climbing fodder.
My girls
As inseparable as they are, finding them in the same viewfinder of a camera these days is difficult. They are busily living
very independent lives; while attached at the hip?
Brenna studies Criminal Justice at University, gainfully employeed in sales, and thrilled at the opportunity to live on her own.
She's a happy Sophomore this year.
Tatia pursues her interest in teen pregnancy prevention and better life choices, through her interest in home school and blogging.
Her viewpoints are expressed in formats where she can include teenaged friends in the process.