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Paintings for sale by artist Jan Verhoeff.
Jan's favorite paintings depict the land around her, God's creation, and the beauty that provides joy to those who take time to look. Her faith resounds in her work, as her love of God's creation depicts a deep respect for the land. Whether entrenched in the greens of Missouri or the browns and grays of a Colorado drought, Jan finds beauty in the depths of color and a bounty of scenic locations. Her focus is seldom the horizon - preferring instead to intensify the emotional connection between herself and the land she loves. Lifting the wonder of her love skyward, Jan often finds her focus on the storm ridden skies that cover our land, her preference of rolling clouds and thunderheads are often a focus of her landscapes. Shifting through a bounty of wonderful views to paint, Jan often finds the best sights to be those everyday vistas that encourage us to marvel at the lush extravagance God provided in each landscape, the miracle of creation.
"An Empty Train"
painted by Jan Verhoeff
raging Missouri River at flood stage, storms building, and a locomotive
making it's way over the river, fill up the scene with excitement and
the thrills of life while a serene fence of flowers and offer protection
and solace in this painting of a favorite setting. The missing
engineer is symbolic of a lack of choice in the portrait of the painter,
sharing the ways and wiles of a lifetime of treasures and reality, while
the obvious serenity entails a focus of the heart. 30" X 48"
Painting by: Jan Verhoeff
Sold |
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"Mountain View"
Painted by :Jan Verhoeff
View with echoes of clouds drifting high into the sky. A late
summer storm in the making, vibrant and rich with colors of the Rocky
Mountain Spring, this painting reflects an intimate knowledge of wonder
and beauty. The thrill of a lifetime is capturing a mountain storm
on canvas. Oil - 18" X 24"
Available Framed $240.00 |
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"Black Train"
painted by Jan Verhoeff
Coal Train in Missouri Hills Depicted in historic setting. Oil -
18" X 24"
Available (framed) $240.00 |
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"Blue Ice"
painted by Jan Verhoeff
Ice depicts a winter wonderland along a valley in eastern
Colorado. Watercolor - 5" X 7".
Available (matted and framed) $190.00 |
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painted by Jan Verhoeff
ripples of water rumble down the rocks of a barren mountain stream as
summer's day is done. A welcome reprieve of winter coming on, these
barren mountains await the fall of snow. Oil - 18" X 24"
Available Framed $190.00 |
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"Butte Lake"
painted by Jan Verhoeff
Lake in a drought grows smaller and smaller - here reflecting the dried
grasses and Two Buttes Mountain. 24" X 36"
Oil (framed) $520.00 |
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painted by Jan Verhoeff
in Colorado, bold and brilliant in the water reflections of - Oil
18" X 24"
Available (Framed) $290.00 |
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painted by Jan Verhoeff
in the valleys of Colorado with a range of rolling hills in the
background, this painting represents the best of our beautiful
state. Watercolor 10" X 12".
Available (matted and Framed) $240.00 |
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painted by Jan Verhoeff
colorful sunset overlooking the plains, with a background of the San
Isabel range in Colorado. Watercolor 5" X 7".
Available (matted and framed) $186.00 |
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"White Homestead"
painted by Jan Verhoeff
Homestead painting of the White Family home and School west of Maxey,
Colorado. Done in watercolor, this 8" X 11" Painting is
perfect for matting and framing for display in your den or family
Available (matted and framed) $220.00
Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery of all paintings!
For more information about paintings, to set up a private showing, or to inquire about artists activities and painting schedules you may contact her at: Jan
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Copyright (c) 2003 - Jan Verhoeff
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